Kurdiyat Journal is a refereed journal that publishes academic studies in the field of Kurdish Language, Culture, Literature, History and Art electronically in June and December of each year.
Kurdish language, culture, literature, art.
Kurdiyat Journal of the Institute of Living Languages is an academic journal published biannually in June and December by Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Institute of Living Languages.
(Article acceptance dates: 01 January - 31 May for the June issue; 01 July - 31 November for the December issue).
Kurdiyat Journal aims to publish articles, book reviews and symposium evaluations on Kurdish Language, Culture, Literature, History and Art (Social Sciences and Humanities) and share them with the public.
It is recommended that the article volume should not exceed 9000 words.
The font of the text should be Times New Roman 12 pt, aligned and one and a half line spacing; footnotes should be prepared in 10 pt and single line spacing.
Citation, bibliography, etc. information should be in accordance with Apa 6 version. For detailed information https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/10990
A maximum of two studies by the same author can be published in one issue.
Manuscripts submitted for publication are subjected to PRE-CONTROL, PLagiarism SCAN (Ithenticate or Plagial.net), REFERRAL EVALUATION and LANGUAGE CONTROL.
The manuscript, which is examined three times at the Pre-Control stage but fails to pass this process, is returned to the author and is not processed again in the same publication period.
The manuscripts that pass the Preliminary Control stage are taken into the evaluation process in which at least two referees take part within the framework of the principle of double blind refereeing.
In order to be published, manuscripts that have completed the referee process must include an abstract of 250-400 words (mandatory in Kurdish and English) and at least 5 words of keywords.
The manuscripts that are examined three times at the pre-control stage but fail to pass this process are returned to the author and are not processed again in the same publication period.
The manuscripts that pass the Preliminary Control stage are taken into the evaluation process in which at least two referees take part within the framework of the principle of double blind refereeing.
In order to be published, manuscripts that have completed the referee process must include an abstract of 250-400 words (mandatory in Kurdish and English) and at least 5 words of keywords.
Article submission/process management of our journal is free of charge.
Kurdiyat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence.